Boulder Coop Market
Remodel of a natural foods market on Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado.
Mixed-Use Green Remodel Details
Warehouse Studios
Remodel of an upper floor of a warehouse into art studios, a gallery, and two residences in Berkeley, California.
Resource-Saving Remodel Details
Morse Block
Historic renovation and interior design for a bar expressing the cross-cultural fusion of East Indian culture and jazz music in Berkeley, California.
Green Historic Remodel Details
1427 & 1433 Pearl Street
Historic renovation for an office building with retail on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado.
Green Historic Renovations Details
GWL Lobby
Design of a lobby in a high-rise office building in the Denver Tech Center, Colorado.
Green Infill Development Details
Leipzig Hotel
Hotel with a parking garage and retail on the ground floor in Leipzig, Germany.
Historic Urban Infill Development Details
1425 Pearl Alley
Design of the remodel of the alley façade and the interior design of a café in Boulder, Colorado.
Sustainable Urban Architecture Details
Southwest Craft Center
A large addition to an art school on the historic riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas.
Passive Solar Urban Space Details