Doerr Architecture has designed a passive solar home addition for our clients in Foxfield Colorado. You can see a fly-through video of its 3D CAD model here.
Doerr Architecture is redeveloping a site in Loveland Colorado as the developer, architect, and general contractor. The site has a 101 year old house and the property is zoned high-density residential with the possibility of up to six units.
The second edition of Architect Thomas Doerr’s book Passive Solar Simplified: Easily design a truly green home for Colorado and the West was published with new helpful information.
The net-zero energy Moore house is being featured on New Energy Colorado’s Denver Metro Green Home Tour on 7 October 2023. Architect Thomas Doerr with be there with the Moores to give explanations of all its green features. There will be a green building expo in Golden CO afterwards. Learn more: